I decided this week that I would blog about past events that I didn't quite get to when they happened. So often I am thinking about blog posts during the day, but once my kiddos are in bed at night, I just don't make it to the computer. Maybe it's my level of exhaustion, or my creativity is just zapped by 8:00pm each night. So I'm going to go back and look through photos of the last months and try and get a post in each day.
This post is about Anna's baptism. Let's see, that was back in September. We were blessed with a beautiful Sunday and it was a wonderful day. We had our relatives and close friends join us at church and then we all headed to our house for brunch. Anna and all the kids did great at church and they had a ton of fun playing outside at her "party."
A special thanks to my friend Tracy for taking pictures for us that day!

Anna and Callie

Anna and Carter

Our gang

Anna, Callie, our cousin, and best friends.

After church we got one quick picture with our pastor and Anna's Godparents.

Then to home for her party.

This kid can eat and it's her favorite thing to do. We are still working on some food issues but overall she is doing so much better. Her mouth is just so small but she is determined to get a big bite in..

This is my mom, myself and my great aunt. I have to mention that this woman is 96 years old and in the most wonderful shape. She still drives, mows her own grass, works in the church 7 days a week, and really has it all together. She is extremely spiritual and is the family matriarch. When we told her about Anna, she was so happy for us. I know this women put in endless hours of prayer for Anna and our family. I turned to her several times in our adoption process for spiritual support and she is truly an amazing woman. And my mom doing amazingly well too. I can't believe she was sitting on life support just 5 months ago and looks like this today. We are blessed.

We'll see what's in store for tomorrow...
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