And as for Brian and myself- we feel horrible. Horrible that we kept telling her she was fine. Horrible that we didn't just take her to the doctor last night. So no special parenting award for us this year. We'll have to try for next year.
Parent of the Year 2010...
will NOT be going to Jen and Brian this year. Callie fell off the swing on our swing set last night. We had the tears and the whining, but in response to Callie's ongoing drama we told her she would be fine. Callie has a long history of being very dramatic!! All night she held her arm and refused to move it. We tried to get her to grab at things with her left arm but she held on to that arm all night. Even after baking M&M cookies and asking her to eat it with her left hand, she refused. By the time we thought something really might be wrong, it was bedtime and she was tired and wanted to go to bed. So when she woke up this morning and still wouldn't move her arm, we got everyone up and dressed and headed to the ER. And, this is the result.
Her wrist is broken and her cast runs from her fingertips to her shoulder. Swim team is over for her this season. That alone brings me to tears. For a family that lives at the pool, we are going to have find some new activities for a while.
In the past 5 hours that she has had her cast on, she has received a lot of attention and can you tell by her smile that this little situation doesn't feel to bad to her...yet. It's been like Christmas. My mom brought over lunch and lots of gifts from her, my dad and brother. Our best friends came over with gifts. I had to get all new shirts at Target that we could get over her cast (tank tops) and new pajamas that don't have sleeves. She is currently on the couch with a new Scooby Doo DVD. Next comes manicures with new nail polish. So all in all she is pretty happy right now. But this won't last long. Not being able to swim, ride her bike, play on the swings, take a bath... will make things tough and the novelty will come to a screeching halt.
Then we won't have this smiling face, but instead a very frustrated little girl. We go back for x-rays in 2 weeks and hopefully get a new cast that ends at her forearm.
Anna update
Summer schedules and kids wanting the computer during free time have dampened my blogging time. And despite the fact that we are more laid back in the summer, I seem to be exhausted at the end of every day and getting on the computer is not in the picture. It could be that it has been in the high 90's for weeks and it's the hottest summer on record. Or it could be that entertaining 4 kids all day long and spending hours in the sun at the pool makes for one tired mama. In any case, my goal is to stay on top of blogging.
Anna has been home for 2 months now and how different everything is even over a month ago. When I step back, I see so many changes. People keep telling me what a happy little girl she is and so friendly. For the life change she has gone through, she is a very happy girl. She has adapted beautifully and fits right in our family. I've noticed that number of time outs and meltdowns has decreased tremendously, her relationships with everyone are growing, her vocabulary is growing daily and she speaks in full sentences a lot. The ones she has down pat are, "I want....., Where is my swimsuit?, What is that?, Mommy do it., Where is my cup?" There are lots more and she is a little parrot. We all speak to her as if she understands everything and for the most part, she does. I was having a conversation with a friend the other day about Anna, and we got on the topic of those who have faith and those who do not. I have to say that if anyone does not have faith, it just takes one interaction with Anna to become a believer in Christ. We adopted a child with a non repairable malformation in her brain. She could have come to us with so many issues, delays and problems. But she is perfect, and quite honestly no different than any other 3 year old. She is a miracle to us and we have been blessed.
Anna's relationships with her siblings is changing each day also. The first month was such a struggle for everyone and it seemed there just wasn't enough attention to go around. Everyone is settling in. Carter and Anna are best buds most of time and he is really enjoying having his own playmate. Carter and Anna are 2 months apart in age. They definately fight like siblings- typical someone grabbing from someone, or both not wanting to do the same thing at the same time. But I cherish the moments when they are playing nicely together and can get a glimpse of how close they will be in the future. The reality is that a year from now or maybe even sooner, Carter will not even remember a life without Anna in it. I can only hope they will be good lifelong friends. Anna adores Jack and since they are sharing a room, they spend a lot of time together. He is wonderful with her and probably gives her the most attention. Callie is lets say, working on it still, but understands that Anna is here to stay, is a part of our family, and we have enough of everything including attention and love to go around. And to give Callie more credit that I am, she does have her moments when she is so sweet with Anna and does want Anna's attention.
Anna has done well with separations thus far. When my mom got sick, we obviously had different people in the house watching the kids. Since then we have had a babysitter once a week for Anna and Carter while we are at a swim meet with the older 2 and she has done fine. I left her and Carter in the church nursery for the first time today while I was teaching and they said she asked for me from time to time, but no tears and she was happily playing when I came to get them. It's nice that even if I have go away, her siblings are always with her so the transition is not to drastic. I feel that by the Fall, she will be ready and excited to go to pre-school and have a great time. So overall our little girl is wonderful and again, truly miraculous.

Anna has been home for 2 months now and how different everything is even over a month ago. When I step back, I see so many changes. People keep telling me what a happy little girl she is and so friendly. For the life change she has gone through, she is a very happy girl. She has adapted beautifully and fits right in our family. I've noticed that number of time outs and meltdowns has decreased tremendously, her relationships with everyone are growing, her vocabulary is growing daily and she speaks in full sentences a lot. The ones she has down pat are, "I want....., Where is my swimsuit?, What is that?, Mommy do it., Where is my cup?" There are lots more and she is a little parrot. We all speak to her as if she understands everything and for the most part, she does. I was having a conversation with a friend the other day about Anna, and we got on the topic of those who have faith and those who do not. I have to say that if anyone does not have faith, it just takes one interaction with Anna to become a believer in Christ. We adopted a child with a non repairable malformation in her brain. She could have come to us with so many issues, delays and problems. But she is perfect, and quite honestly no different than any other 3 year old. She is a miracle to us and we have been blessed.
Anna's relationships with her siblings is changing each day also. The first month was such a struggle for everyone and it seemed there just wasn't enough attention to go around. Everyone is settling in. Carter and Anna are best buds most of time and he is really enjoying having his own playmate. Carter and Anna are 2 months apart in age. They definately fight like siblings- typical someone grabbing from someone, or both not wanting to do the same thing at the same time. But I cherish the moments when they are playing nicely together and can get a glimpse of how close they will be in the future. The reality is that a year from now or maybe even sooner, Carter will not even remember a life without Anna in it. I can only hope they will be good lifelong friends. Anna adores Jack and since they are sharing a room, they spend a lot of time together. He is wonderful with her and probably gives her the most attention. Callie is lets say, working on it still, but understands that Anna is here to stay, is a part of our family, and we have enough of everything including attention and love to go around. And to give Callie more credit that I am, she does have her moments when she is so sweet with Anna and does want Anna's attention.
Anna has done well with separations thus far. When my mom got sick, we obviously had different people in the house watching the kids. Since then we have had a babysitter once a week for Anna and Carter while we are at a swim meet with the older 2 and she has done fine. I left her and Carter in the church nursery for the first time today while I was teaching and they said she asked for me from time to time, but no tears and she was happily playing when I came to get them. It's nice that even if I have go away, her siblings are always with her so the transition is not to drastic. I feel that by the Fall, she will be ready and excited to go to pre-school and have a great time. So overall our little girl is wonderful and again, truly miraculous.
Happy Father's Day
I was not a good picture taker today. My whole family was here this morning for brunch and I had intentions of getting pictures of my dads with the kids but in the choas of family gatherings, I forgot. It was nice to spend the morning with everyone and we had a great time together. I did get this one with Brian and the kids.
Happy Father's Day to all my dads. We missed you today Papaw! And Happy Father's Day to the Dad who has given me all these wonderful kids- we love you Brian.

Happy Father's Day to all my dads. We missed you today Papaw! And Happy Father's Day to the Dad who has given me all these wonderful kids- we love you Brian.
First Swim Meet of the Season
Last night was the first meet of the summer season. Jack is a veteran swim kid but this is Callie's first time on swim team and her first meet (she is 5.) We have spent a lot of time encouraging her and her coaches are awesome. They are so encouraging, supportive and really make it fun for the kids. Callie was thrilled to be hanging out with her big brother and other "big" kids in the bullpen. Her favorite part was definately decorating herself with permanent marker. After getting her race information on her arm, she got free reign to decorate as much as she wanted. Overall it was a fantastic night. Callie did both of her races without stopping (she takes a lot of breaks during practice.) It was one of those "I feel so proud I could cry" moments. Jack was a superstar and all of his year round practice shone through. It's going to be a great swim season!!

I love laundry......
Who knew that while I was folding a couple of loads of laundry AGAIN, these 2 rugrats would aquire the best toy ever- the laundry basket. It's like Christmas morning when the kids spend more time playing with the boxes than the toys that came in them. They really had fun with these, for a long time. So, I'll have to keep in mind to save them for the next rainy day! By the way, I dread laundry, and at this house, it is neverending. So a little humor amidst an awful chore is always welcome.

Who knew that while I was folding a couple of loads of laundry AGAIN, these 2 rugrats would aquire the best toy ever- the laundry basket. It's like Christmas morning when the kids spend more time playing with the boxes than the toys that came in them. They really had fun with these, for a long time. So, I'll have to keep in mind to save them for the next rainy day! By the way, I dread laundry, and at this house, it is neverending. So a little humor amidst an awful chore is always welcome.
Anna is 3
Happy Birthday Anna. The kids sang happy birthday all day. We had originally planned our extended family celebrating together but we are waiting until my mom is feeling better. This actually works better as Anna will understand more later just what her birthday is all about. So we spent the day just hanging out as a family. I think Anna had a great day and was pretty happy about her little celebration.

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